Hackathon: SAP TechEd 2015, Barcelon
DEMO: https://poweron-p1941578957trial.dispatcher.hanatrial.ondemand.com
Remember, you should have a HANA Cloud account to view the demo. Use trial account.
Challenge: An innovative solution to how can energy company repair crews be proactive or alerted to outages or problems, which will affect customers, consumers and service level agreements.
Classic Solution - failure:
- No overview of Power-zones
- Reacting after Outages occur
- No matching of Skill Set to threat severity
- No Automatic Notification on assement
- No efficient utilization of Weather Predication data
Power-On Solution - running on HANA Cloud Platform:
- Provides overview of Power-zones on Maps and also current status
- Ranks each power nodes based on threat level(5 parameters - weather, age, previous damages, #affected people)
- Profiles of various Skill Set maps to threat severity
- Automatic Notification for critical areas using Nofitication service running on Cloud Platform
- Efficiently utilizes free Weather Predication data to increase proactiveness
Power-On Admin Homepage
Power-On Mapview of powerzones
Power-On Identify Danger Site
Power-On Assign & Notify crew about the Danger site
Power-On Refresh preidction based on real-time weather data +site data