I am Hariharan Gandhi, 28 yr old, Software developer. I graduated with a Master's degree in Informatics specializing in Distributed Software Systems at the Technical University of Darmstadt. I am currently working at SAP Research Karlsruhe in a dynamic team that works on SAP Cloud Platform Core development. Previously I did my internship and master thesis at IBM Germany Research and Development Lab
My daily tasks involve building and running massive logging infrastructure for platform components and applications running on Cloud Foundry and other distributed environments.
Qualification, current degree, University of study, Performance, Skills, Programming Languages - Coding level & other Technical Expertise.
Professional Experience in the area of Computer Science - Distributed Software Systems, Internships, Roles and Responsibilities, duration and performance
Academic & Professional Honors for excelling in my education program, profession, internships and other honors. Technical Events that I attend
Lab projects(Internships) deals with cutting edge development work on practice-oriented problems. Invovles requirements engineering, design, implementation, & testing of scalable software components & protocols to solve the given problem.
I enjoy participating in Hackathons & coding challenges - innovative apps, cloud, micro services, analytics, mobile, NoSQL databases etc. They are agile, bring out hidden potential, learn to react quick, fail fast prototyping and of course very great learning.
Most of my courses have optional lab works to complement theory work. These work might involve software building and experimenting, getting familiar with implemenations and infrastructures, based on the theory content for respective course work
The project involves design and implementation of a Sensing system that opportunistically collects data. The challenge was to develop the engine that dynamically adapts this collection based on User and device context. The app collected location and context information that could be used for location services like Forums and community detection algorithms, and other emerging social business technologies. The Big data from huge user base was backed with IBM Bluemix mobile cloud services for Storage, Processing and push notifications (using Google Cloud Messaging)...view more
Technologies: Android, Java, Node.js scripting, IBM Bluemix Cloud Services (Mobile Data and Push), IBM Jazz SCM, HoloGramChart, Git, Google Cloud Messaging, Android Studio,
As a part of the research idea, from the Peer-to-Peer Systems Engineering Lab, TU-Darmstadt, to estimate the feasibility of latest mobile technology in creating an ad-hoc peer to peer networks, this project involved developing a Decentralized Social Networking application, that uses Wi-Fi P2P API for the overlay creation and it dynamically discovers peers in proximity to exchange profile information in JSON format....view more
Technologies: Android, Java, SQLite, WifiP2P API, Cryptography: AES 256 Encryption, Spongy Castle API, Git, Material Design UI for Android Lollipop, Android Studio
Design and implementation of a productivity tool for employees of an organization that facilitates finding free meeting rooms; Provides best possible suggestion to employees based on physical proximity and room availability; Provides innovative solution to the problem of No-Show in a booked meeting room using IoT; Users get notified about free rooms once they enter a particular building within a campus. Developed with SAP UI5 and hosted on SAP HANA Cloud Platform.
Technologies: SAP UI5 Front End, HTML5, XML, JSON, MVC, JAVASCRIPT, JAVA, SAP HANA Cloud Platform, Design Thinking, Prototyping
The idea is to help users(students and university members) to figure out "How occupied a particular building(say, Library/Cafeteria) is?" It provides a Web and Mobile application to display current seat availability vs capacity, with attractive and dynamic charts. While doing so, it also provides a twitter chat room for each location, facilitating users to discuss events happening at that location, like "Hey, good food at the Cafeteria today!! Don't miss!!". The app runs on cloud infrastructure provided by IBM Bluemix and uses a NodeJS Server with scalable NoSQL Cloudant Database, Android app client for Geo-fencing and notifying server.
Technologies Used: IBM Bluemix Cloud, NodeJS Server, Cloudant NoSQL Database, Android Geofensing with foreground service, UI - Web & Mobile friendly AdminLTE Bootstrap, D3.js, Android Studio
The application "RefugeeBook" helps refugees to get in connect with companies. It uses data (user profiles, company profiles, job profiles, course profiles) stored in SAP HANA and matches these data in order to make smart recommendations. This is done by using text mining and machine learning. Additionally, it offers a meta-search to search for online courses on different learning platforms ("google for online courses"). Which helps the refugee to get certificates and gather new knowledge easily. This allows him to verify his knowledge to his potential employer.
Technologies Tag: SAP HANA Cloud platform, Open UI5, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3, jQuery, Java
Super Market alerts users with offers that are listed on that day as soon as the customer enters the Supermarket. It also incorporates analytical feature to analyse most liked product offer, successful promotion, offers that don't interest customers etc
Technologies Used: Hybris YaaS - Cloud microservices, Java, Android, HTML5, CSS3, NoSQL document store Database, Android Geofensing with foreground service, Android Studio
SAP HANA Cloud Application to provide solution to energy companies' repair crews to be proactive or alerted to outages or problems, which will affect customers, consumers and service level agreements.
Technologies Tag: Java, ODATA, SAP HANA Cloud platform, REST APIs, Open UI5, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3, jQuery, Java
Developed: An Enterprise Solution to a company that provides high quality logistics services to customers with real-time shipment tracking. ERP solution Java EE components for an Online Inventory similar to Amazon, with SQL Server Database, Hibernate(ORM mappers).
Task: Suggest and Implement a brand new ERP solution using Java EE components (Enterprise Beans, Java Server Faces/Pages, Java Persistence API, Hibernate) Features Developed:
Technologies: Java EE, Entity beans, Session Beans, EJB3, Message Driven Beans, JSP/JSF, Javascript, MVC architecture, JMS, Apache ActiveMQ, JPA, Hibernate Object relational mapper, JBOSS, MS SQL server 2008
Proposal: Architecture to employ Group Testing and Pattern Mining approaches to mine useful patterns, which helps in the detection of sources creating application level denial of services attacks, that disrupt the networks and the functions of the Application Server. Implementation: JAVA application that accepts input data-sets and uses a Graphical display to respond to an Intermediate Alert Mode Operations Publication: 2nd Publication of Prof. KolaSujatha https://www.annauniv.edu/doit/kola-Pub.htm