
Project: CN-Lab PS TU Darmstadt (WiSe-2014/15)


One-Liner: Decentralized Social Networking App using WiFi Direct (An Android App which helps in Socializing with Trusted Friends in Proximity using D2D Communication)

As a part of the research idea, from the Peer-to-Peer Systems Engineering Lab, TU Darmstadt, to estimate the feasibility of latest mobile technology in creating an ad-hoc peer to peer networks, this project involved developing a Decentralized Social Networking application, that uses Wi-Fi P2P API for the overlay creation and it dynamically discovers peers in proximity to exchange profile information in JSON format.

The project considers security as a major aspect of concern in such ad-hoc communication and addresses by data encryption using pre-shared key (AES 256) exchanged securely via Near Field Communication(NFC) during the add friend stage. Material Design UI (Android Lollipop) is also incorporated into the application.

Technologies Tag: Android, Java, SQLite, WifiP2P API, Cryptography, AES 256 Encryption, Spongy Castle API, Git, Material Design UI, Android Lollipop, Android Studio

Key features:

Code Modules:


Leonhard Nobach, M.Sc.



WiFriends App's Material UI

News Feed Before Profile Exchange

Users' Statuses Updated

News Feed After Profile Exchange